Military and Veteran Student Center

太平洋军事和退伍军人学生中心致力于为现役军人的学业和个人成功提供项目和服务, 储备, 军工相关, 还有老学生. 

As a supportive and inclusive community, 我们致力于增加学生对校园资源和丰富机会的了解和认识. 该中心还作为一个安全的空间,在促进校园和社区参与和个人发展的同时,丰富和支持学生的学术和职业目标. 


For more information contact Stan Rapada, Director of the Military & 退伍军人学生中心,209号.932.3237.


IAVA 9/11后退伍军人赋权组织(VEO)是美国成员最多样化、增长最快的组织吗.


走向复苏 is a groundbreaking program started in 2008. 这个独特的组织通过在美国各地为残疾退伍军人提供为期一周的自行车旅行,通过恢复希望和目标来拯救生命.美国和国外. 欲知详情,请浏览 我们是英雄计划网站.


伤兵计划 serves veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, 疾病, 或伤口, co-incident to their military service on or after Sept. 2001和他们的家人.


退伍军人票务基金会 通过提供免费的体育赛事门票,为退伍军人提供持久的记忆和重新融入社会的机会, 音乐会, 家庭活动.


退伍军人拓展训练 通过强大的野外课程,帮助成千上万的退伍军人重新适应家庭生活,这些课程利用团队合作和挑战自然世界的好处.

veteran student on the Sacramento campus

学生退伍军人组织(SVO)在这里帮助你尽可能顺利地过渡到大学生活,让你的大学经历变得有益而富有成效. 我们为新的和现有的学生退伍军人和预备役人员以及家庭成员提供支持, 现役军人, 还有我们的资深校友. 我们的目标是为我们太平洋地区的退伍军人建立有效的、广泛的支持和友谊网络,帮助他们顺利度过大学生活,走向职场. 如果SVO能帮上忙, don't hesitate to contact us or come join us at one of our meetings for food and good company. 

的 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

 的 VA 为自11月11日起在阿富汗或伊拉克战场(OEF/OIF)服役的患有与服役有关疾病的退伍军人提供五年免费医疗, 1998.


VA帕洛阿尔托 在帕洛阿尔托的医疗中心和法国营地的诊所提供全面的医疗保健, 索诺拉, 和莫德斯托.


VA北部CA 在萨克拉门托的医疗中心以及费尔菲尔德和尤巴市的诊所提供全面的医疗服务.


VA过渡小组 provides screening for all OEF/OIF veterans for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 创伤性脑损伤, 军人性创伤, 抑郁和自杀风险. 的 team also assists with counseling and transition services.To enroll for VA healthcare, please call the VA Enrollment & Eligibility Office at 800-455-0057 


太平洋卫生服务处 provides primary care services for the treatment of minor 疾病es and injuries, 常规体检, 免疫接种, 推荐, medication management and women's care.

我如何获得I认证.e., have my enrollment reported to the Veteran's Administration (VA)?
After confirming enrollment through the Office of 入学s, 新生应根据实际上课的校园,通过电子邮件向注册办公室联系学校认证官员(SCO).

When do I contact the School Certifying Official (SCO)?
After 你 have confirmed 你r enrollment with the Office of 入学, 然后与上海合作组织联系. This is based on the Campus where 你 physically attend. 

继续学习的学生应该保留他们的COE或1905的副本(如适用)作为他们的记录,以便他们了解他们的福利细节.e有效期. 的 SCO also keeps a copy of this document on file, so if this information is needed the SCO can be contacted to assist.  一般, as long as this information is current, 涵盖即将到来的学期, no additional documentation is needed. 如果过期了, the beneficiary will need to contact the VA for assistance, as 你r units will NOT be certified by the SCO unless an updated form is received. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they know their eligibility status 在每个之前 学期. Students will be certified each 学期 they are enrolled; unless they contact the SCO 之前 the particular 学期 they would NOT like to be certified. Notification to the SCO 必须 be sent via Pacific email.

How do I get my Basic Allowance for 住房 (BAH)?
的 BAH is prompted when the SCO (School Certifying Official) certifies 你r units to the VA. This process is completed 之前 the beginning of the 学期. Please contact the VA if 你 have questions regarding this or visit the Basic Allowance for 住房 Rates page.  如果在任何学期的最后一天之后对您的注册进行了任何更改, the SCO 必须 be notified IMMEDIATELY via 你r Pacific email. 更改注册可能会影响您的BAH,并可能导致向VA偿还任何超额付款.

What if I would NOT like to be certified for a given 学期?
Please contact 你r campus SCO via Pacific email and notify them right away. 

学生必须通知上海合作组织 立即 of any changes to enrollment status. Please refer to the current Academic Calendar for important dates. 


What should I do if I withdraw from the university?
学生必须 立即 notify their SCO of any changes to enrollment status during any given 学期. 学生还必须联系学生账户,了解学生账户余额的任何可能变化. 


  • Chapter 31 students need 1905年形成.
  • 所有其他章节都需要在福利申请或转移后由VA提供的资格证书(COE). 请注意,COE 必须 be addressed to the person receiving benefits to be accepted. 因为这个过程需要时间, a 'Statement of Benefits' can also be accepted temporarily until COE is received by the SCO. This Statement of Benefits can be found at on the Post-9/11 GI Bill Statement of Benefits page.

When should I apply for the 黄丝带计划? 
学生应在确认参加博彩平台网址大全后立即申请黄丝带计划. This opportunity is on a first-come, first-served basis and has limited space. 

Yes, the SCO on the campus which 你 attend will notify 你 within 10 business days.

How much does Pacific match for the 黄丝带计划?
After the yearly stipend by the VA is exhausted, Pacific matches 50/50 with the VA to cover the remainder of tuition and fees in regular term. 的 Yellow Ribbon program is not offered in summer. Please refer to the VA benefits site for yearly payment rates. 

一旦我完成了我的文书工作, 我还需要完成其他步骤来确保我已经履行了本学期的经济义务吗?
经常与学生账户和经济援助办公室核实,以确保你的要求已经完成,你的账户是有效的 之前 每学期的开始.

If I want to enroll in the summer session, what should I do?
Summer is open enrollment so 你 五月 register. 的 Yellow Ribbon program is not offered in the summer. 然而, 如果你从退伍军人事务部分配给你的年度津贴中有任何剩余的前端福利, 你 五月 有一些保险. 请注意这是 没有保证的. Please contact the VA to determine the current balance on 你r benefit. 

As a Chapter 31 student, what charges are paid by the VA?
的 VA will pay for tuition, required fees and supplies, books, and parking. 学生负责校内的食宿费用,这些费用记入学生账户. 请参考您的 1905年形成 核准费用.

If 你 are receiving benefits that cover the total cost of enrollment (tuition & required fees only) but the University will not receive the funds 之前 学期付款截止日期, 在等待福利期间,您不会被要求借钱来支付费用,也不会被收取滞纳金或罚款. If 你 are receiving financial aid that covers the total charges on 你r student account, then 你 have met 你r financial requirements for the 学期. 如果你收到的资助金额不足以支付你的全部费用, then 你 必须 pay the remaining balance in full. 

Do I need to complete a FAFSA to obtain 金融援助?
Yes, in order to receive Federal student loans, 你 必须 complete a FAFSA. 请在当年10月开始提交FAFSA,以确保您在次年7月发送的秋季发票之前收到您的奖励包.

Lead Certifying Official for 博彩平台网址大全


University VA Certifying Official/Evaluator
